Lord Vishnu -The preserver
Lord Vishnu is known as the god for forgiveness and compassion. He ensures that he does goodness for all, and the influential control allows him to preserve the universe and maintain righteousness throughout the universe.
The Hindu god Vishnu is often shown seated on the wound serpent.
Lord Vishnu has his companion Lakshmi massaging his feet. The Hindu God Vishnu never sleeps and is always represented in idols as the one in a good mood. At the same time, Lord Vishnu does not like people who think no end of themselves and have a great ego.
You will notice that in most mythology and religious books the Hindu god Vishnu is shown with four weapons. All of these four weapons are symbolic of something.
In one hand Vishnu holds the shell. In the second hand, he holds the disc. In the third hand Lord Vishnu holds the club that has to be used as a weapon. And in the fourth hand you will notice the lotus. The Hindu god Vishnu has a bow and a sword. All of these weapons that Vishnu holds are there to help him in his endeavors.
In this world, there is a balance maintained between the two forces of the good and evil. They are evenly matched in the world.
However, there are times and instances when these balances are destroyed an evil demon get stronger than the good ones.
This is the time when Lord Vishnu receives a request by the other gods asking for help. Then god Vishnu reinvents himself in to one of the Vishnu avatars, which is a human form to set the equilibrium right again.
Altogether, the Hindus recognize the nine Vishnu re-incarnations. These are generally recognized as Vishnu avatars. Sometimes folks also believe that in the other Indian epics the main characters could also be the avatars of Vishnu.
According to what is mentioned in the holy book of the Purana, Vishnu is the ultimate god and to be found everywhere. If you are looking for the reality then that is represented by Lord Vishnu.
The Hindu God Vishnu is shown as a four-armed male and this is the way that his powerful presence is showcased.
The way Lord Vishnu’s image is made, and he is made to look is quite different from those of other gods. The color is blue, which means that Lord Vishnu can be everywhere just like the blue sky or ocean. Vishnu also represents the time without end and a never ending supremacy. This is the reason why Vishnu is always depicted as blue.
The Hindu god Vishnu has the mark of sage Bhrigu's feet and the srivatsa mark on his chest. These stand for his partner Lakshmi.
Lord Vishnu always has a crown on his head, which shows his followers his eventual power and authority. He is always shown resting on the snake who is the eternal and a snake that can never ever die.
The nine avatars of Lord Vishnu that are shown are of different kinds and go on to show Vishnu as the preserver.
The very first incarnation of Vishnu is that of the fish. When Vishnu is shown in this form, he has saved the Saint Vaivaswata. This is similar in the story to the Noah in Biblical times.
The second incarnation of Vishnu shows him as the Turtle. The other incarnations of Vishnu show him as the boar, the lion, the dwarf, the holy cow Kamadhenu. The last two incarnations of the Hindu God Vishnu show him as the Gods, Krishna and Buddha.
The tenth incarnation of Vishnu that is Kalki has still not taken birth and is yet to come. The Hindus believe that the time when the earth becomes too bad to live on and mankind will resort to all kinds of evil deeds then that will be the time when, lord Vishnu will come to the earth as a person. He will be seated on a white horse and this image is worshiped as the tenth incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu.
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